Sunday, March 24, 2013

Unit 5 Data: What does it all MEAN?

This week we will begin our data and statistics unit in seventh grade math.  The essential questions that we will answer through our studies include the following:

How can predictions and decisions be made about a large population?
What is a measure of variation?
How is the shape of the data use to analyze data?

We will begin with the third question this week as we look closely at the results of the Unit 5 Post-test.

The follow illustration shows our achievement compared to all seventh-graders in the district.

Standard / ClusterHoyt Middle School
53 Students
District Average
MA.7.7.G.6 (7)
Overall Exam64.2%53.8%
MA.7.7.G.4 (7)
MA.7.7.G.5 (7)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Break = Math Fun

If you're feeling bored this week, you might

want to check out this Ken-ken site. 

Login daily for free puzzles and fun! 

Kenken website:

Have fun and be safe! 
See you on March 25!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Finding Pi

Did somebody say banana cream?

Unfortunately the pi we were looking for is the constant that describes the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter (about 3.14).  Pi-seekers measured the circumference and diameter of several round objects and then expressed the relationship as the ratio, C/d. To our surprise, we calculated the ratio as a number close to pi--every time! This week we will continue our study of circles by calculating their areas.  We will also explore the volume of rectangular prisms (boxes) and the surface area of polyhedra.

Calendar for the week of March 4 through March 8
Monday: Finding Some More Pi
Tuesday: Calculating the Area of Circles
Wednesday: Polyhedra
Thursday: Exploring the Volume of Rectangular Prisms, CFA 5.4
Friday: More Practice with Volume, Retake CFA 5.4

Coming next week:
Monday: In class review for Unit 5 Post-test: Geometry
Tuesday: Correction of review and game
Wednesday: Unit 5 Post-test: Geometry
Thursday: Oz: the Great and Powerful, review games in blocks 1 and 5