How can predictions and decisions be made about a large population?
What is a measure of variation?
How is the shape of the data use to analyze data?
We will begin with the third question this week as we look closely at the results of the Unit 5 Post-test.
The follow illustration shows our achievement compared to all seventh-graders in the district.
Standard / Cluster | Hoyt Middle School 53 Students | District Average |
MA.7.7.G.6 (7)
| 62.64% | 44.74% |
| 53.21% | 50.97% |
Questions | 64.2% | 53.8% |
Overall Exam | 64.2% | 53.8% |
MA.7.7.G.4 (7)
| 64.72% | 59.18% |
MA.7.7.G.5 (7)
| 76.23% | 60.31% |